Adding postinst and postrm scripts Generating control file Calculating MD5 sums 13:05:56 Building *.deb package 13:06:44 Cleaning 13:07:11 Completed successfully. (vmd) Creating VMD icon Making Debian Menu Entry Adding mime-support info Creating desktop entry Adding shared mime info entry Adding KDE MIME database entry Copying documentation. 13:03:33 Build process completed successfully # 13:03:33 Starting build process of *.deb package # 13:03:33 Creating and correcting misc stuff Patching files. Starting copying of files to /home/johny/Pulpit/vmd/vmd-deb/ Copying done.

Running configure using configure.options: LINUX MESA TK TCL PTHREADS FLTK PYTHON NETCDF NUMPY Correcting Makefiles Starting compilation of main VMD program, this may take a while Compilation done. 12:57:46 Compilation of plugins successful Copying plugins to /home/johny/Pulpit/vmd/vmd-deb/usr/local/lib/vmd/plugins/ 12:57:53 Compilation of plugins completed successfully.
Install vmd ubuntu install#
Options chosen depends on this packages in Debian/Ubuntu build-essential csh libstdc++5 libc6 libcc perl libglu1-mesa mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa-dev xlibmesa-gl-dev fontconfig tk8.5-dev tk8.5 tcllib libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev libxft2 libxft-dev python-netcdf python2.5 python2.5-dev libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf4 python-numpy This script doesn't support resume!!! If some packages are missing, you should run apt-get install command Continue? - YES/ - NO y # 12:51:34 Starting building process on vmd-1.8.7. # 12:51:35 Unpacking sources from vmd-1.8.7. 12:52:13 Starting compilation of plugins.